This is an idea for a LIGHTBOX that would be continuously lit 24/7/365 as a monument to bravery. In honor of the Granite Mountain Hotshots 19 Firefighters who lost their lives in The Yarnell Hill Fire, it was a wildfire near Yarnell, Arizona, ignited by lightning on June 28, 2013. This quote is from the relative of one of those men who died it is from Ryan Norris, These are the names of the fallen:
Andrew Ashcraft
Robert Caldwell
Travis Carter
Dustin Deford
Christopher MacKenzie
Eric Marsh
Grant McKee
Sean Misner
Scott Norris
Wade Parker
John Percin
Anthony Rose
Jesse Steed
Joe Thurston
Travis Turbyfill
William Warneke
Clayton Whitted
Kevin Woyjeck
Garret Zuppiger