This book is a collection of Social Media posts over a period of 2.5 years that documents in words and images, the unjust Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 through September 2024. Encompassing the horrific events that have transpired throughout and expressed in both opinion and fact, this account is a firsthand response to Terrorism and humanitarian injustice, murder, civilian targeting and all the crimes that Russia has committed. This book tracks a 2.5 year long Social Media Campaign in direct opposition to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  This campaign features posts that have been posted to only one social media app, and were posted every week. The story unfolds as the pages are turned in chronological order with both verbal and visual messaging that document military defeats and victories, human suffering, war crimes, death, resilience, bravery, courageousness and a world coming together to help bring an end to the conflict. It is a story of great bravery, diligence, determination and resolve, as the Ukrainian Defense and its people rise to this solemn occasion and put on display the human attributes that only legends, Gods, and the Historical heroes of our documented past possess—Heroism, Bravery and Courageousness.

Here is the unwrapping of war, what is currently transpiring, and a picture of what is yet to come as the World’s democratic and free countries everywhere—take up their duty to protect the foundations of a free and sovereign country. We see in Ukraine—ourselves—and we watch in awe the power of the Ukrainian people and its armed forces as they display an unrelenting commitment to freedom. This book celebrates all of this and more, it is a direct CALL TO ACTION to all free countries in the world, all Democracies, all those who hold the idea of humanity at the highest levels—to come together and to support Ukraine so that we may return to the days of Peace and Sovereignty. We must as human beings avoid the mistakes of our collective pasts, we must never allow any powers in the world to attempt world domination, or to ever attack another free country. Until all the autocratic regimes have disappeared from the Earth forever we must not fail in our pursuit of a free world, only then can we move forward and continue to learn through Peace and Understanding of all cultures on Earth.
I have written this book in order to help Ukraine in a way that is familiar to me, and it is my aim to hopefully sell
many of these books—so that I can personally donate to Ukraine’s defense and humanitarian needs.  It would be advantageous to print this book in Ukrainian, Russian, and English if possible to attain a wide audience, as I believe there could be a huge market opportunity outside of the U.S. This book could play an integral role in the shaping of our (US) collective involvement in the Ukrainian invasion, it provides a glimpse into the heart of Ukraine and thus provides an inside look at the conflict and the pain and suffering that is not on our television media. We must work to continue the support in terms of military and humanitarian aid and whatever Ukraine needs to bring their country back—along with a sustained peace—and this book could help to solidify that support further and to convince people that Ukraine is our neighbor and the only country in the world defending Freedom. We must come together, and we must enlist the aid of all free and Democratic Republics and other free supporting nations, to be sure this effort does not fail. Our world hangs in balance and we too must find a way to settle our differences without resorting to war and the killing of innocent people, we must find Diplomatic responses and we must make a worldwide commitment to Peace for our children’s future.
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